I have spent most of my life saying "I could never."
I could never stand up for myself.
I could never be myself.
I could never leave.
I could never take care of myself.
I could never live alone.
I could never be healthy.
I could never wear that.
I could never be a single mom.
I could never run.
I could never run a mile.
I could never run a marathon.
I could never beat him in court.
I could never get a better job.
I could never live without him.
I could never start over.
I could never speak my heart.
I could never let anyone see my true self.
Those are now all past tense. I can. I have. I do.
Slowly my imagination is growing. My ideas about what I can and can't do are evolving.
I have not yet done so many things. But now I imagine I will.